Thursday, August 31, 2006

Art Yarn: Flowers on the Breeze

Using the instructions from Sarah Bradberry's site, I incorporated silk flowers into some very fluffy, lightly spun wool that I had attempted to dye before. The raw wool came out a pale, kinda dirty blue but I thought it seemed like a nice enough color after it was spun. It looks kind of like clouds to me, hence the name in the title.

2 plies of blue wool fluff and one "ply" of flowers on quilting thread.
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I can't actually claim the idea for the flowers, but I can't remember where I saw it before. Just so you know, this kind of yarn takes a lot of work for even this piddly 18 yards. If you see similar yarns for sale and they're expensive there is a good reason!

P.S. - You can do this without spinning. Just make a decorated thread and carry it along with your yarn while knitting.

(Edited to Add)
Okay, I couldn't resist knitting up a swatch. Wouldn't this be cute on the ends of a scarf?

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Too much fun!

1 comment:

Nik said...

that IS cool. wow.