I just love your site! Those patterns for cross-stitch are the cutest! I am a Stumbleupon user and I can't believe no one has reviewed your site (until now, that is)! I will be interested to know if adding your site to Stumbleupon increases your traffic.
Thank you! They're actually graphed to knitting gauge (the squares are wider than they are tall) so I don't know how well they would do for cross stitch. :^)
I'm the mother of a sweet little boy born in March of 2005, and a darling little girl born in August of 2010. I rediscovered knitting shortly after his birth and now I'm obsessed. I love to sew whenever I can get the opportunity, but so far it has been easier to sneak in knitting here and there with the kiddos. I am becoming a wanna-be "foodie" too...
I just love your site! Those patterns for cross-stitch are the cutest! I am a Stumbleupon user and I can't believe no one has reviewed your site (until now, that is)! I will be interested to know if adding your site to Stumbleupon increases your traffic.
Thank you! They're actually graphed to knitting gauge (the squares are wider than they are tall) so I don't know how well they would do for cross stitch. :^)
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