Sunday, December 17, 2006

One Christmas Present - Done! - Updated!

My husband's niece has become a princess, apparently; so I had to get crafty and make sure she has the proper equipment!

(My son is modelling. He likes it too, and she's just a year older than him AND she's petite, so I think it will be a good fit).

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The crown pattern used to be one of the free patterns listed on Interweave Knits, but I can't find it to link to it now. Sorry! If it makes you feel any better, the pattern only covered the actual knitting. I worked out the bead and ribbon embellishments.

**Update** Apparently the website for this pattern was only temporarily unavailable and when I looked today I found it. Although the link was broken and I had to cobble the correct link together by comparing it to a working link for a different pattern.


Good luck with all your Christmas projects everyone!!

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