Thursday, November 03, 2005

Some new stuff for Sebastian & Mama

Alright, I got some more things finished and ready to show off.

Baby Hat for a newborn (in progress). No, I don't have a newborn anymore but I wanted to "taste" the pattern in this yarn first, ok?

The finished newborn hat.

If you want the hat, it's here:

Poncho for me in progress. This also has a leaf pattern. It is finished but I haven't gotten around to pestering my husband to take my picture yet.

Wanna make your own?
Falling Leaves Poncho

A shirt I made a while back and forgot to post pics.

Booties! My own pattern (sorry for the dimness, didn't want to wake him up). I made them to look like tennis shoes.

Finished hat for my boy. I just used a bigger gauge and it was perfect!

How about a big grin?

Did I have any pics of him wearing this diaper cover before?

Ok, done.

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Lystessa said...
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